By Author: danielstitt , mpmcbride7
Yet another Pathfinder Character Generator


  • Create and manage your characters for all your Pathfinder games
  • Get automatic calculations based on race, classes, alternate racial options, class archetypes, feats selected, skills selected, magic items carried, traits, hero points, familiars (as allowed), animal companions (if allowed) and mounts
  • Once the character is ready you can either print out a nicely formatted paper copy for use at the gaming table or take your laptop with you to use the sheet during the game.
  • You can apply over 150 different spell effects, conditions and class effects to your character. YAPCG will include the effects of this spell/condition in the calculations for your character. This makes playing your character on a laptop a breeze!
  • YAPCG also helps you keep track of Equipment (mundane and magical), familiars (also automatically calculated), animal companions (also automatically calculated), mounts (normal mounts and special mounts for paladins), eidolons for summoners, wealth
  • Spells for spellcasting classes (Not just spell names but casting time, duration, area of affect, range, and descriptive text on the spells effects The sheet utilizes rules regarding metamagic feats/magic items to let you add metamagic feats to your spells. All affected spell effects are modified to show the changes You can look up any spell to determine the effects and requirements for the spell to determine if it is a spell you want to prepare)

PCGen :: An RPG Character Generator

PCGen is a free open source RPG character generator (d20 systems). All datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns. Please join us at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen/. Support email: help@pcgen.org...

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