
By Author: kmleon
Java & XML desktop application. ANY paper & dice RPG game system can easily be added through easy to use data entry forms. Initially d20 and MERP/Rolemaster, with the tools to make it easy for others to add other game systems as optional module plugi


  • Usable for ALL Role Playing Game Systems through community and user extensible plugin creation tools
  • Designed to support EVERY game system, not just one, range includes, but not limited to: d20 (all versions), ICE MERP, ICE Rolemaster, Basic Role Playing, HERO, GURPS, Babylon Project, the list goes, all creatable by using the step by step, easy to use, provided
  • Cross Platform Linux, Mac OSX, Windows (Java & XML)
  • Character creation, action and combat resolution, party tracking, basic mapping, logging, game systems conversion, and many other features
  • Allows the GM to create PC's, NPC's, Monsters, Maps, Random Encounters, Weather, Terrain, Treasure, track adventure logs, create and track mapping, and much more.
  • Role Playing Game Character & Campaign Creation & Management Tool Suite
  • Free & Open and runs on all Java based operating systems (Linux, Mac, Windows, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc.)
  • Data files are XML based so easily cross platform, easy to read and modify with many tools or included tools.
  • Print or export created character sheets, maps, logs, and more to XML, CSV text, PDF, PS, or html.
  • The ultimate tool for Gamemasters & Players of tabletop paper & dice role playing gamers, to help speed up character creation, action/combat resolution, and adventure logging/tracking.
  • Full graphical mapping system, and the maps can be printed out too. Take you favorite map image, and overlay grid pattenr and details, or create your own basic map location.
  • 100% community driven, the more people who participate and help, the more plugins that will be available for your favorite system.

PCGen :: An RPG Character Generator

PCGen is a free open source RPG character generator (d20 systems). All datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns. Please join us at Support email:

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