Dungeon Craft

Dungeon Craft is an adventure creator that emulates the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Gold Box RPG's released by SSI. Initially designed to be a "more unlimited" version of the Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures (FRUA) game editor and engine, it has far surpassed the capabilities of the old FRUA system. The editor is used to configure art, items, monsters, spells, special abilities, classes and races.. Each adventure is self-contained and doesn't require the editor to be played.
The editor is extremely versatile and the databases are completely designer created allowing easy additions and modifications to spells, monsters, items, classes, races and special abilities, and are exportable to be easily shared with others or used in other designs.


  • Adventure creator that is based on the AD&D gaming system. (think GoldBox and FRUA games by SSI)
  • Supports 16/24/32 bit color and supports BMP, PCX, TGA, PNG, JPEG, WAV, MIDI, MP3, MOD, and AVI file types.
  • 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 screen sizes during game play.
  • Designer can edit/add spells, items, monsters and special abilities.
  • Each design is self-contained, the editor is not required to play the game
  • All art can be customized.
  • Text events can use scripted conversations, Ultima style.


TurboSphere is an intuitive and easy to learn game engine. It is generally modeled after the Sphere RPG engine for its API, although the API has been modernized. It uses JavaScript as its game logic language, and supports many common file types for resources. TurboSphere uses Google V8 for JavaScrip.........

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