Doc2Html Firewall

By Author: szift
The Doc2Html command line operating program strippes the Word produced html files (by opening the documet, saving as html) leaving pure text + minimum html code. It also has a mode to convert data berween different charsets: DOS, Windows-1250 and ISO-8859


Command line spell checking script that checks single word. User doesn't have to open file or word processor just to check single word. Simply type: "wordcheck " where is the word you want to check. Uses GNU Aspell....

Similar: 22%


Replacehex is a command line search and replace utility that works with hex codes strings. It can operate on both binary and text files efficiently. A great tool to work on binary data files. First developed to replace mac addresses inside a pcap capture...

Similar: 20%

Emerald Text Editor (jEditor)

Emerald Text Editor (Emerald Editor, or Emerald as I call it), formerly called jEditor, is a text editor that is much similar to notepad in the fact that it let's you edit text but it makes use of the tabbed panes which means that you can have multiple tabs up at once allowing you to edit multiple f.........

Similar: 13%


WebDjVuTextEd allows to edit the text layer of OCR'ed DjVu documents in a web browser. You can modify the structure (paragraphs, lines, words...) create, delete, edit text nodes, modify their container box by mouse, and run a spellchecker. The program does not directly read the DjVu files, it requi.........

Similar: 11%

Visualization of Protein-Ligand Graphs

The Visualization of Protein-Ligand Graphs (VPLG) software package computes and visualizes protein graphs. It works on the super-secondary structure level and uses the atom coordinates from PDB files and the SSE assignments of the DSSP algorithm. VPLG is command line software. If you do not like ty.........

Similar: 10%

Advanced Trigonometry Calculator

Advanced Trigonometry Calculator is a rock-solid calculator allowing you perform advanced complex math calculations. Enter your complex math expression on its integrity and in the final press “Enter” button, after some instants the solution for your expression will be displayed. Anyone can use this .........

Similar: 9%


Madedit-Mod is a clone of MadEdit with a log of critical bug fix from me or other developers. A lot of new features were added, such as Drag-Drop Edit(cross platform), Highlight word, etc. The reason that I maintained this project is that the author of MadEdit had not worked on it for for a long t.........

Similar: 8%


CrazyStat is a web analytics script written in PHP. It does not need access to server-logfiles or a MySQL-database to generate statistics of your website visitors. The script has very good usability and still has lots of features. The stats only need one screen length to present all the information..........

Similar: 7%

Lioness (Languages Interop Framework)

Framework for making Windows applications that are one .exe file in AutoHotKey_L,C++,C#, VB.NET,Java,Groovy,Common Lisp,Nemerle,Ruby,Python,PHP,Lua,Tcl,Perl,Jint,S#,WSH VBScript,HTML/JavaScript/CSS,COM, PowerShell without compiling . For .NET 4....

Similar: 5%


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