
By Author: crazychrissi
CrazyStat is a web analytics script written in PHP. It does not need access to server-logfiles or a MySQL-database to generate statistics of your website visitors. The script has very good usability and still has lots of features. The stats only need one screen length to present all the information. It's fast because of it's caching technology and uses minimal webspace by compressing logfiles. It's free and released under GPL as open source software.

With CrazyStat, it is easy to respect your users privacy, as it offers IP anonymization and optionally respects Do Not Track (DNT) HTTP-Headers.

A graphical or textual counter can optionally also be generated by the script so you do not need a second script for that.


  • Statistics and counter in just one script!
  • live: all data is up-to-date
  • can work completely without JavaScript (which a lot of scripts can't)
  • no advertisement, logos or similar stuff on the pages counted, only small remark in alt-attribute of optional counter
  • independent of other service providers because it's a PHP script running on your server (data privacy, outages, ...)
  • configuration of IP blocking
  • IPs can optionally be saved anonymously so that visitors can not be tracked back
  • no MySQL required
  • no access to server-logs required
  • your pages stay valid HTML or XHTML
  • optionally, your own hits are not counted
  • log-files are optionally gzip-compressed so they use minimal webspace
  • All results are displayed on a clear interface that gives you all the information with a single glance using bar charts (all modules) and pie charts (only for browser, screen resolution and operating system).
  • average and sum values for all modules
  • optional password protection with multiple users, password saved and transferred encrypted
  • individual "presets" can be saved to access your preferred statistics-view easily and fastly
  • download and manage log-files from web interface (backup, delete)
  • logfile-viewer (as table)
  • search inside log-files (filter)
  • optimized analyzing-performance achieved by multiple caching techniques
  • multilingual GUI (English, German, Russian, Danish and Dutch at the moment, easy to translate)
  • optional counter: graphics counter or text counter possible


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