- A bug in loading certain qrc:// URLs on Windows has been resolved in 1.5.3.
- The URL bar cursor position in Ryouko 1.5.3 is now consistent when the autocomplete popup displays.
- Notifications in Ryouko 1.5.3 now look more elegant on platforms without pynotify (e.g. Windows).
- A couple of bugs in loading the about dialog have been resolved in 1.5.2.
- 1.5.2 fixes the install option for setup.py on Linux.
- As of 1.5.1, some extensions can be enabled or disabled without restarting the browser.
- 1.5.1 adds in a "Mini Browser", allowing two pages to be viewed simultaneously in the same window.
- Ryouko 1.5.0 includes Readability, an extension that strips online news articles of all distractions, reducing them to just body text.
- DOM Monster, an extension displaying DOM performance and tips for improving it, has been added into Ryouko 1.5.0.
- Ryouko 1.5.0 has support for charcount, an extension to display the character count of the current selection. This extension currently has an online dependency.
- Visual Event, which displays JS events directly in the browser, has been included in Ryouko since 1.5.0. This extension currently requires an online dependency.
- Extension support in Ryouko 1.5.0.
- Added in tel:// and market:// URI support in 1.4.9.
- Ryouko 1.4.9 sports some minor aesthetic adjustments in the bookmarks toolbar.
- In Ryouko 1.4.9, Facebook, Google+, and DuckDuckGo now display properly with the bookmarks toolbar shown.
- 1.4.8 fixes some regressions introduced in 1.4.7 by changing some of the import statements.
- 1.4.7 has a slightly-better translation and fixes a minor aesthetic bug.
- Data syncing improved in 1.4.6; files that were previously not removed are now removed.
- Ad-blocking was improved in 1.4.6.
- JavaScript alert boxes in 1.4.6 now take the form of a toolbar that appears below the tabs.
- The tabs can be placed back on top as of 1.4.6. Tabs on top are enabled by default on Windows.
- Windows theme restored in 1.4.5.
- 1.4.4 adds in a full menubar, which is enabled by default on Linux.
- Hiding the bookmarks toolbar now takes effect immediately in 1.4.4.
- In 1.4.4, Ctrl+clicking or middle-clicking a link opens it in a new tab, similarly to most browsers.
- 1.4.3 has a (hopefully) improved Chinese translation.
- In 1.4.2, permanently closing a tab with the Find toolbar shown kills the Find toolbar. This has been fixed in 1.4.3.
- On Linux, some themes caused the main menu to resize incorrectly, cutting out the bottom few options. This has been fixed in 1.4.3.
- Simplified Chinese translation added in 1.4.2 thanks to Jason Liu; many thanks for his support. The translation hasn't been fully checked for accuracy yet, but I trust that it's accurate.
- 1.4.2 has apt:// URL support on Ubuntu.
- Aesthetics improved slightly in 1.4.2.
- Removed the "Go" button in 1.4.1.
- Splitter between URL bar and search bar added in 1.4.1.
- Find dialog has been replaced with a find toolbar in 1.4.1.
- Ryouko 1.4.0 has a bugfix for an issue in 1.3.*, by which the browser was incapable of closing tabs with titles encoded in multiple-byte characters.
- There is now a separate search bar in Ryouko 1.4.0.
- Ryouko 1.4.0 has an updated "About Ryouko" dialog.
- Licensing terms in Ryouko 1.4.0 have been updated to account for Ryouko's Python dependencies.
- 1.3.3 now has a Ctrl+Shift+G keyboard shortcut for finding the previous instance of text in a page.a
- In 1.3.2, a bug was fixed that caused the browser to crash when permanently closing a tab in which a download was initiated.
- 1.3.1 includes a fix for a bug that caused the program to crash on Windows when attempting to load certain invalid URLs.
- A fix for a problem with preserving page history in reopened tabs has been issued in Ryouko 1.3.0.
- Ryouko 1.3.0 adds in back and forward history lists, similar to Arora.
- Some user agent presets have been added in Ryouko 1.3.0.
- Windows theme integration improved in 1.2.6.
- A fix for saving the settings has been applied to Ryouko 1.2.5.
- Ryouko 1.2.5 allows the user to define a list of sites to open on startup.
- Ryouko 1.2.4 has support for hiding the bookmarks toolbar.
- Dropbox syncing on Windows fixed in 1.2.4.
- Clearing the history based on time intervals has been largely fixed in Ryouko 1.2.1.
- 1.2.1 has a fix for the issue with the view source dialog in Ryouko 1.2.0.
- 1.2.0 adds in SSL error handling, allowing users to log into certain problematic sites such as eBay.
- As of 1.2.0, there is support for authentication. Now Ryouko can do things such as manage Linksys routers.
- Performance upgrade in 1.2.0.
- 1.0 introduces a rewrite of Ryouko's Dropbox/Ubuntu One syncing support. Local and remote profiles are now properly synced between one another.
- 0.14.0 is a major bugfix update.
- 0.13.0 overhauls the interface to improve efficiency, improves the new tab page somewhat, and adds a list of closed tabs to the toolbar.
- 0.12.2 fixes a bug on Linux regarding the opening of downloaded files. Windows unaffected.
- Added a favicon to the URL bar in 0.12.1.
- As of 0.12.0, there is a button to translate the current page into your language.
- On Windows, QtWebKit does not support HTML5 <video> and <audio> tags. Ryouko 0.12.0 for Windows amends this by replacing these tags with <embed>, and asks the user if they want to install VLC to handle them.
- 0.12.0 fixes a bug in saving the settings.
- 0.11.7 introduces better Ubuntu integration and fixes a critical bug on Debian 6.
- 0.11.3 fixes a bug in opening local files.
- 0.11.2 includes a bugfix for certain Windows systems, where HTTPS sites would not load.
- In 0.11.2, it is possible to directly open the folder containing a downloaded file.
- In 0.11.1, Unity HUD integration has been implemented.
- As of 0.11.0, there is a download manager.
- 0.11.0 introduces slightly-better Linux integration, such as application menu support, mimetype associations, and a Unity launcher that can display download progress.
- As of 0.10.6, there is support for changing the user agent.
- As of 0.10.5, Google Docs Viewer can be used to view unsupported content.
- Option to view the page source as of 0.10.1.
- As of 0.10.0, there is proxy support.
- Can use Dropbox or Ubuntu One to store settings and data as of 0.10.0, allowing you to access your data from anywhere. This has been fixed up somewhat in 0.10.5.
- Multiple profile folders can be managed from the GUI as of 0.10.0.
- Can print the current page as of 0.8.0.
- Can save the current page as of 0.8.0.
- Able to record browsing history. Unfortunately, clearing the history may not work 100% correctly.
- Partially-centralized notification system for somewhat reduced disturbance as of 0.7.0.
- Bookmarks manager as of 0.7.0.
- Allows you to close all the tabs to the left or right of the current tab as of 0.7.0.
- Experimental ad-blocking support as of 0.6.2 (enable it by going into the Preferences dialog!)
- Basic XSPF playlist support as of 0.6.2. This feature has since been removed.
- Custom search expressions as of 0.6.2.
- Web inspector support as of 0.6.2 (analogous to Firefox's Firebug tool)
- Location bar auto-complete-as-you-type.
- Stores cookies between sessions, and also allows the cookies to be cleared out. When clearing out the cookies on Linux, Ryouko performs a "shred -v" operation on the database for added privacy.
- Supports private browsing mode as of 0.4.4.
- Has a Find function as of 0.4.6.
- Supports opening new windows as of 0.4.6.
- Zoom in/out functionality as of 0.4.10.
- Status messages as of 0.4.8
- Has tabbed browsing, like any respectable modern Web browser.
- Supports command-line arguments. This means that it's actually possible to use it as your default Web browser! (But of course, it isn't recommended.)
- Unlike some browsers in the same vein, Ryouko understands page requests that ask to open links in new windows. In 0.5.0 and below, it opens them in new windows with reduced-functionality, but as of 0.5.1, it opens them in new tabs.
- Unlike some other amateur projects on SourceForge, Ryouko's Git repository actually has commits in it.
- The "Save Link..." option in the context menu actually works. As of 0.7.0, it should work 100% of the time.
- If faced with an unsupported file type, Ryouko will offer to download the offending file to your computer.
- Of course, it's 100% free and open-source software. Who wouldn't want that? =)