
By Author: killian35
SimplyVBUnit 4.1 is a VB6 unit testing framework written in Visual Basic 6. It closely follows the GUI setup of NUnit. Creating Tests is a snap, as you don't need to implement anything, just add your tests to a new class and GO!

Easily get started with the wiki.


  • Automatically discovers test methods within test classes.
  • Support categorization of unit-tests and test fixtures.
  • Supports parameterized test methods.
  • Supports assertions of expected errors to be raised.

VB Lite Unit

A light-weight testing framework written in Visual Basic 6 for testing classic VB/VBA applications. This simple, solid design works well in VB/VBA, doesn't attempt introspection, and doesn't require lists of test methods outside of the test code....

Similar: 24%

tSQLt - DB Unit Testing for SQL Server

------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are moving: Download the newest version directly at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ tSQLt is a unit testing framework for Microsoft SQL Server. tSQLt is compatible with SQ.........

Similar: 19%


This utility provides a GUI to create unit files for the game "Battle for Wesnoth". The user sets the unit properties from the GUI of the utility. Once all the properties have been set, it is possible to export them into a .cfg which will be read by the game. Further details can be found in the pro.........

Similar: 15%


Anise helps you to implement a common mechanism for executing all automated tasks for all your software projects. The usage scenario is a developer (-team) working on many different projects/frameworks/tools. Anise can streamline such a chaos of tools. Typical tasks you would add to an anise-aware p.........

Similar: 15%


Chex4j allows you to document and enforce @pre and @post conditions of method calls with runtime or build time class file instrumentation. Conditions run as fast as normal code....

Similar: 14%


GambleKit is a free open-source C++ object oriented library for quick and easy building of slot machine and gambling games with reels and GUI management. It relies basically on declarative programming style, so the programmer needs simply to declare, for example at creation time, the basic layout a.........

Similar: 8%

Hermes - Selenium For Humans

Hermes provides a powerful yet usable automation solution, making it the most popular Selenium framework in the world, with over 8,000 downloads. Create human readable, machine executable Selenese style tests in Excel. The world's first automation framework fully integrated with Selenium IDE, RC an.........

Similar: 8%

Wave Framework

Wave is a PHP micro-framework that is built loosely following model-view-control architecture and factory method design pattern. It is made for web services, websites and info-systems and is built to support a native API architecture, caching, user control and smart resource management. Wave is a co.........

Similar: 8%

The Ring Programming Language

The Ring is an Innovative and practical general-purpose multi-paradigm scripting language that can be embedded in C/C++ projects, extended using C/C++ code and/or used as standalone language. The supported programming paradigms are Imperative, Procedural, Object-Oriented, Functional, Meta programmi.........

Similar: 8%

Lioness (Languages Interop Framework)

Framework for making Windows applications that are one .exe file in AutoHotKey_L,C++,C#, VB.NET,Java,Groovy,Common Lisp,Nemerle,Ruby,Python,PHP,Lua,Tcl,Perl,Jint,S#,WSH VBScript,HTML/JavaScript/CSS,COM, PowerShell without compiling . For .NET 4....

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