
By Author: bzame
This utility provides a GUI to create unit files for the game "Battle for Wesnoth". The user sets the unit properties from the GUI of the utility. Once all the properties have been set, it is possible to export them into a .cfg which will be read by the game.

Further details can be found in the project wiki: http://sourceforge.net/p/wesworkshop/wiki/.

Version 1.1* released. Please go to the wiki page to see the changes. Note you will not be able to load your works developed with the version 1.0!
Version 1.2 preview released (2015-03-08): http://sourceforge.net/p/wesworkshop/wiki/versions#v1.2

If you like this program, be kind please: write a review or vote it, it would be very appreaciated and useful.

*: The version was released on 05th April 2014. That release didn't use the latest project version. On 15th May 2014 it has been updated. You are now able to fully use the new features. I apologise for the mistake.


  • Create attacks and unit for your Wesnoth armies
  • Create races and race traits for your Wesnoth armies
  • Reload your saved work from the library
  • Sign your works: set the files author
  • Export the WML code with one click
  • Dinamically change program style
  • Dinamically change language
  • Add your own translation (go to the wiki)

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