
[antispam] mailcleaner is an anti-spam / anti-virus filter SMTP gateway with user and admin web interfaces, quarantine, multi-domains, multi-templates, multi-languages. Using Bayes, RBLs, Spamassassin, MailScanner, ClamAV. Based on Debian. Enterprise ready.
MailCleaner is an anti spam gateway installed between your mail infrastructure and the Internet.
It includes a complete GNU/Linux OS and a graphical web interface for user and administrative access. It comes in the form of an ISO image that contains a fully automated installer.
- fully compatible with any SMTP mail server
- routes mail on a per-domain basis
- per recipient/host whitelists and blacklists
- SMTP and LDAP/Active Directory callout for e-mail address validation
- temporary storage with retries in case of final server failure
- outgoing load balancing and/or failover

Dedicate a server to MailCleaner, and you will have a working professional mail filter in less than an hour.


  • Daily / Weekly / Monthly quarantine reports
  • Intuitive web interface : user quarantine / preferences
  • Intuitive administration interface : manage domains / users / spam and content protection settings
  • Based on public RBLs
  • Possibility to add your own RBLs
  • Active Community

OpenVZ Mailcleaner VM

Author: José Pedro Andrés García Contact: Macklus AT debianitas DOT net MailCleaner is a full email filtering gateway. It includes a complete GNU/Linux OS and a graphical web interface for user and administrative access. It comes in the form of an ISO image that contains a fully automated installer.........

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