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  • 1. FreenetISFreenetis is an open source information system for managing community-based networks. It provides bonerek,dubinaj,dzolo,fyzzi
  • 2. FreighTrackerFreighTracker is a mySQL, PHP based live time "inventory" and "tracking" database for Model freightracker
  • 3. Freya DatabaseWeb 2.0 (AJAX) based software for money management. Works with various users, accounts, operations, gflorimond
  • 4. FriComThinFree Community Thingby todiefor
  • 5. Fly|4freeThis is the 4th ver. of Dragon|Fly, a CMS with the aspiration to include sentiment analysis in the g_laquidara
  • 6. FnX CMSFnX (Fast and eXtendible) CMS is a PHP > 5.3 Content Management System. It has been built upon two kyxzme
  • 7. Folder ViewerA script that can be set to view any type of albums. It was orginally created so I could get all my scoop_987
  • 8. m29An experimental project for bottom-up virtual world creation. The goal of the project is to human in......
  • 9. mc-toolsCommand line tools for RNA processing
  • 10. liblumiluxThis project is an open library for the exchange of luminaire's near field measurment data. It pierrebou