
By Author: freightracker
FreighTracker is a mySQL, PHP based live time "inventory" and "tracking" database for Model Railroads. It is used to dispatch trains, and cars on the backend, and allow web users to search those items and view their location and status on the web.

dbdirect: manage database from a browser

dbdirect is a java web application based on GWT. It allows a user to execute arbitary SQL queries through JDBC. It is useful when the database is only accessible through web applications....

Similar: 24%


EZwebDB allows users with little to no knowledge of php, javascript, or sql to easily and rapidly design and deploy powerful web based, database driven applications. It also provides a platform for developers to jump-start complex projects....

Similar: 22%

Party Database (a Java Web Application)

This is a web based database for party registrations. It uses jakarta struts, jakarta struts templates, and SQL to form a 100% java web application that allows users to sign up for a party. Keg not included sorry....

Similar: 20%

Community Profile Database

The Community Profile Database (CPD) is a web application for members of a community to create profiles and search for each other based on interests and skill sets. This framework can be customized and expanded to allow searching by other criteria as well. The CPD was developed by the Information S.........

Similar: 18%


This project is just starting up, therefore there isn't anything usable to download yet! The inventory (clothes, shapes, attachments etc.) of an avatar is traditionally stored centrally in the databases of the grid. If a user only visits one or maybe two grids, this central storage works quite wel.........

Similar: 15%

Web-based SQuirreL SQL Client

Web-based Squirrel SQL client. it allow you to view database structure, import/export and manage your databases, including create database, table, store procedure, view,trigger and user. it support oracle, db2, mysql, MS SQL server, FireBird,Postgres...

Similar: 11%

Grocery List

Web (PHP) based Grocery List generating software that supports barcode scanning. The list is maintained in a database with remote tools for adding, editing, deleting, and printing....

Similar: 9%


CLADlims is a wed based laboratory information and data management system for animals and their measurement records. It is designed to track the weight and tumour growth of the animals, visualize the data, compare data, inform the user for any alarming measurements as well as keep any other data rel.........

Similar: 9%



Similar: 7%

Lioness (Languages Interop Framework)

Framework for making Windows applications that are one .exe file in AutoHotKey_L,C++,C#, VB.NET,Java,Groovy,Common Lisp,Nemerle,Ruby,Python,PHP,Lua,Tcl,Perl,Jint,S#,WSH VBScript,HTML/JavaScript/CSS,COM, PowerShell without compiling . For .NET 4....

Similar: 3%