
By Author: stefangabos
A PHP class that simplifies the process of creating and validating HTML forms. Its object-oriented structure promotes rapid HTML forms development and encourages developers to write clean and easily maintainable code. It frees the developers from the repetitive task of writing the code for validating forms by offering powerful built-in client-side and server-side validation.

Has an integrated cross-site scripting prevention mechanism that automatically strips out potentially malicious code from the submitted data. It also prevents automated SPAM posts, out of the box and without relying on CAPTCHA by using honey pots.

Output can be generated either automatically or manually through templates (basic PHP files). When generated automatically, the generated output validates as HTML 4.01 Strict/XHTML 1.0 Strict/HTML5 and has the same look & feel across all major browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer 6+.

The client-side validation is based on jQuery 1.5.2+


  • has an integrated cross-site scripting prevention mechanism that automatically strips out potentially malicious code from the submitted data
  • it prevents automated SPAM posts using the "honey pot" technique
  • provides both server-side and client-side validation (client-side validation is done using jQuery 1.5.2+)
  • forms layout can be generated either automatically or manually using templates
  • generated output validates as HTML 4.01 Strict, XHTML 1.0 Strict or HTML5
  • works in all major browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer 6+.
  • almost every line is commented
  • generates no warnings/errors/notices when PHP’s error reporting level is set to E_ALL


Zebra_Database it is an advanced, compact (one-file only), lightweight, MySQL database wrapper built upon PHP's MySQL extension. It provides methods for interacting with MySQL databases that are more powerful and intuitive to use than PHP's default ones. It supports transactions and provides ways f.........

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A generic pagination class that automatically generates navigation links given the total number of items and the number of items per page. Please note that this is a *generic* pagination class, meaning that it does not display any records! It is up to developer to fetch the actual data and displayi.........

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Zebra_MPTT is a PHP class that provides an implementation of the modified preorder tree traversal algorithm making it easy for you to use MPTT in your PHP applications. It provides methods for adding nodes anywhere in the tree, deleting nodes, moving and copying nodes around the tree and methods fo.........

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This is a compact (one-file only), lightweight, object-oriented image manipulation library written in and for PHP, that provides methods for performing several types of image manipulation operations. It doesn't require any external libraries other than the GD2 extension (with which PHP usually comes.........

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Zebra_Session is a PHP class that acts as a wrapper for PHP's default session handling functions but instead of storing session data in flat files it stores them in a MySQL database, thus providing both better security and better performance. The library is also a solution for applications that are.........

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Internet Captcha

Internet Captcha is designed to protect your html forms where users send information to others users or databases. With this captcha only human can complete the security code and only a human will be able to use your web page. The Internet Captcha is free to put in your web, it have a configurator t.........

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HTML Splicer

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Modal dialog boxes are a great way to show information to your users, but to also alert them of errors or warnings. Zebra_Dialog is a small (4KB minified), compact (one JS file, no dependencies other than jQuery) and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery, meant to replace JavaScript’s .........

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Rockabilly Common Libraries

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