Voxx Speech Recognition Project

Written in VB 6 for Win98 and up. Our goal is to provide speech recognition and text to speech unlike any software currently in the market. Some features include TTS, Dictation using Microsoft SAPI 5.1 engines. Visit our Home Page for more info.

Talking Bible Project

The Talking Bible Project takes biblical text and converts it into speech. Uses open source Festival TTS engine. Voice recognition\control planned...

Similar: 24%

Tamil Festival Speech Synthesis System

festival-ta synthesizes text in Tamil language into speech using Festival TTS. This is based on the festival-te project which provides supports for Telugu....

Similar: 22%


HttpPlayer provides a GUI for Home Automation implementations. It consists of following main functionalities: A clean Web Browser, in a black fullscreen GUI. To access the home automation web page. A small and simple receiver for TCP and UDP messages. The receiver interprets several keywords. E.g.........

Similar: 16%

R2S, RSS Notifier w/ Text-To-Speech hook

C# app (using Windows RSS Platform, Microsoft Feeds 2.0) with SysTray icon and pop-up balloons to indicate new feed items. Provides hook for Text-To-Speech, by starting a (configurable) process (like Festival) with each new item as command-line argument....

Similar: 11%

Osmosis TTS

Osmosis TTS is a Text-to-Speech application with a built in browser and the ability to easily search for terms in the text using configurable search providers including search engines and dictionaries. It is particularly useful for language learning as one can easily search for foreign words us.........

Similar: 11%

Bermuda Text-to-Speech

See TTS demo at: http://rslp.racai.ro/index.php?page=tts This is an entirely written in JAVA project which includes a set of tools and methods designed to enable Multilingual Text-to-Speech (TTS) synthesis. We currently support English and Romanian but we will soon train more models and make them av.........

Similar: 10%


Project aim to provide simple easy APIs for Java developers to use interactive abilities in their Java Applications like speech recognition, handwriting recognition, use of web cam , sound record/play, decision trees , text to speech and many others....

Similar: 9%

ILA - teachable voice assistant

ILA stands for (kind of) intelligent, learning assistant and is a speech recognition system aka voice assistant very similar to Siri, Google Now and Cortana. ILA is fully customizable and you can teach her/him/it new things by yourself like executing system commands, opening web pages, programs and .........

Similar: 8%

WOSH Framework - Wide Open Smart Home

WOSH is a multi-platform message-oriented middleware written in ANSI C++. Service oriented architecture, designed for network distributed computing. Already working: Audio multimedia, X10, remote control (WinMobile, GTalk) and much more.....

Similar: 8%


New version 106.27! A text to speech TTS program for Windows 7 with minimalist approach. * Plays plain text files, text copied to the clipboard and from the programs edit control. * Opens, saves and appends to text files. * Pauses, resumes and stops playing in interactive mode. * Saves text to .........

Similar: 6%