
By Author: ionelvirgilpop
VOW2Code (Vocabulary of Web Ontologies to Code) is a free, open source code generation tool that can be used to convert the vocabulary of OWL ontologies to Java code. The result is a Java class in which the terms of the vocabulary are translated into constants based on a series of options (that may take semantics into account). Thus, VOW2Code is highly configurable, supporting many command line options.


jUML is a UML diagram application capable of reverse engineering Java source code to create relationship diagrams, source code generation based on a user created UML diagram, and saving/restoring of jUML projects....

Similar: 23%

UML Model transformation tool

UML transformation tool; developed in Java and XSLT; Runs on any java 1.3+ platform. Environment for code generation from UML models, based on XMI, e.g. to J2EE, webservices, xml schema; New generators (xslt/java) can be plugged in. www.modelbased.net...

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BeanBuilder-a database code generator.

A Java code generation tool that allows you to generate DB classes from a single property file. It drastically speeds the development of database driven web applications. Giving the developer more time for GUI and Business logic devmt....

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JLoom is a JSP like template language for text generation - e.g. source code, HTML, XML. JLoom templates are modular encapsulated. Parameters can be any Java type, even Generics or Varargs. There is a plugin for Eclipse and a command line tool....

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QB (Quellcode Bahn) is a software that manage the operations on the source of the programs you develop, with a versioned repository. QB manage the deploy of your program, taking it from the repository and putting it wherever you want with test phase....

Similar: 18%


A software project often contains some dull and repetitive tasks. Let’s take program options of any kind for an example, e.g. a command line interface. For every program option you need to write a boiler plate code fragment. Additionally every single program option has to be documented. Now that’s s.........

Similar: 14%

multiOTP open source

multiOTP is a PHP class, a powerful command line utility and a web interface developed by SysCo systèmes de communication sa in order to provide a completely free and easy operating system independent server side implementation for strong two factors authentication solution. multiOTP supports hardwa.........

Similar: 11%

JDynamiTe, Dynamic Template in Java

JDynamiTe is a tool which allows you to dynamically create documents in any format from "template" documents. And very few lines of code (or no line at all!) are needed to do that. Some typical usage domains of JDynamiTe are: - dynamic Web pages creation, - text document generation, - source c.........

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Please cite: An, J., Lai, J., Lehman, M.L. and Nelson, C.C. (2013) miRDeep*: an integrated application tool for miRNA identification from RNA sequencing data. Nucleic Acids Res, 41, 727-737. We will create index for you if you tell us your interested species (j.anATqut.edu.au). download command l.........

Similar: 8%

Lioness (Languages Interop Framework)

Framework for making Windows applications that are one .exe file in AutoHotKey_L,C++,C#, VB.NET,Java,Groovy,Common Lisp,Nemerle,Ruby,Python,PHP,Lua,Tcl,Perl,Jint,S#,WSH VBScript,HTML/JavaScript/CSS,COM, PowerShell without compiling . For .NET 4....

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