
By Author: shafe
Trepidation is an open source first person shooter based on the IOQuake3 engine. Trepidation was a project originally conceived on April 9, 2006 with the intent to build a free first person shooter with a sci-fi theme. The idea was initially developed by members of the Star Trek Elite Force gaming community. The project disbanded before the game was complete sometime in 2008.

The game includes:

16 multiplayer levels (maps). Many quake 3 maps have also been tested and work with the game.

An original soundtrack featuring 10 original tracks.

6 Game Modes.

In game Voice Over IP Support (VOIP)

All New Weapons

Instagib Modifier Available On Most Game Modes.

The Game Modes included are :


A Team based game where the object is to destroy the other team’s power core Various defensive structures can be built to protect your base and achieve your goal. While this game employs strategy it is extremely fast paced and teamwork is a must.


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A Java game engine based on the jMonkeyEngine graphics engine, built around maps consisting of only cubes (hexahedra). This will provide for simple but complete implementations of everything required for a game (lighting, physics, AI, level editing etc.)...

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Generic Gnu Game Core

G3C provides the main features for 3D-game developers: 3D rendering engine based on openGL, collision detection, physical rules, p2p network... A game-sample will be avaible, binding a wargame, a flight simulator, a first person shooter, a MMOG......

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The Shoot-em-up Project

A 3D game (and engine/level editor) written using C++, OpenGL/GLUT, OpenAL, for windows and linux, featuring single player and a frantic oldskool multiplayer mode. Experience the mighty weapons, The Boxgun and The Surprise Launcher!...

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Cube MetalHeart - Sauerbraten Extended

Cube MetalHeart is a multi-player shooter based on the Cube 2 Engine. It's an extended version of Sauerbraten, like a standalone mod. Featuring new graphics, textures, levels, sounds, models, soundtrack and backward compatibility to Sauerbraten maps and servers ! Music by - GET IT ON DES.........

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Odamex is a free, cross-platform (Mac, Windows, Linux) modification of the Doom engine that allows players to easily join servers dedicated to playing Doom online. The goal of Odamex is to add enhancements to Doom while still retaining that "classic Doom feel" we all know and love about the original.........

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Source 2006 co-op

A currently unfinished mod for half-life 2 that includes co-op and deathmatch maps, however cheats need to be enabled to get the real feeling of gameplay. list of debug keys (require "sv_cheats" to be set to 1) pressing "i" gives all weapons and equipment pressing "o" spawns an antlion pressing "v".........

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FATHOM is a fast-paced multiplayer Action-RTS combat game set in the cold crushing environment of the deep ocean. Establish your base, collect and hunt for resources, construct your fleet and lead them to an action-packed tactical battle to defeat your enemies and claim your area of the ocean in glo.........

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Golgotha Forever

This project exists as an archive for's 3D FPS/Strategy/RPG game called Golgotha. Shortly after C.c's demise, a small band of developers attempted to bring the game to completion. Here lies their code too....

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CS:GO Web Admin

Counter-Strike Global Offense Web administration: View Online players kick them, ban them view live game talk with online players and use any rcon commands. This was made for CS:GO, but probably works for other steam games that uses the same protocoles (like Counter-Strike Source) This was based o.........

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Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion

Hammer of Thyrion (uHexen2) is a cross-platform port of Raven Software's Hexen II source. It is based on an older linux port, Anvil of Thyrion. HoT includes countless bug fixes, improved music, sound and video modes, opengl improvements, support for many operating systems and architectures, and do.........

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