By Author: jkellerer
TinyJEE is a zero conf, zero maintenance embeddable platform that has the major goal make the usage of JEE as easy as working with GRAILS while following a component oriented approach with minimized dependencies and main focus on POJO and Java config


  • Tiny application server with zero configuration & zero maintenance
  • Everything is modular, you don't have to bundle what you don't use
  • Uses proven standard technologies (Jetty, JSF-RI, JAX-RS-RI and JAX-WS-RI, etc)
  • Based on maven (create a POM with dependencies, TinyJEE does the rest)
  • Annotation based WS / Servlet publishing (using Servlet 3.0 standard)
  • Integrates with Spring (turn your Spring beans into Servlets or Services)
  • Focus on Java config (Annotations & API) and POJO ("web.xml" is supported but optional)
  • Automatic configuration and resource management based on bundled features, environment and available heap memory.
  • Includes embedded database (HSQL or Apache Derby)


An awesome new way of adding SOAP and REST web services to any Spring IOC based Java project in minimum time. This library takes out all the pain part of implementing Soap & Rest Web Services specific code from developer's plate and does it in a very smart way. All you need to do is add dependency o.........

Similar: 14%

pulse - Java web app framework / CMS

An open source portal solution in Java. pulse is a framework on top of the Servlet API providing easy to use and easy to extend patterns for creating browser based applications and websites. Moreover pulse delivers a set of out-of-the-box components, e.g. CMS, shopping, user management. Key featur.........

Similar: 13%

BIRT Report Designer

BIRT is an open source technology platform used to create data visualizations and reports that can be embedded into rich client and web applications. Developers who use BIRT Designer are able to access information from multiple data sources easily and quickly in order to create reports and applicati.........

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Optinfra Enterpirse Platform

Design and implement of ERP Model (very small size) app Objective : Develop a architectural model and a development model for rapid application development .that provides --- Modularity, Re useability ,Extensibility . This provides rapid application development environment , reusable, semi-complet.........

Similar: 11%

Wave Framework

Wave is a PHP micro-framework that is built loosely following model-view-control architecture and factory method design pattern. It is made for web services, websites and info-systems and is built to support a native API architecture, caching, user control and smart resource management. Wave is a co.........

Similar: 10%

OpenSearchServer search engine

OpenSearchServer is a powerful, enterprise-class, search engine program. Using the web user interface, the crawlers (web, file, database, etc.) and the client libraries (REST/API , Ruby, Rails, Node.js, PHP, Perl) you will be able to integrate quickly and easily advanced full-text search capabiliti.........

Similar: 9%

SmartPOS Advanced Point of Sale 100% Web

SmartPOS is a complete new OSGi plug-in that works inside SmartERP. (Idempiere 2.1 Distro) , taking all the power of an ERP, but creating an intuitive , agile and easy to learn Point of Sale (POS) 100% Web . SmartPOS has been designed to work as part of the ERP, and support complex business en.........

Similar: 8%

Floreant POS

A Popular Enterprise Grade Point of Sale application for QSR, Casual Dine-In, Fine Dine-In and Cafe. Established in 2008 Floreant POS has powered 30,000 restaurants in 25 countries around the world. It can run on single of multiple terminal and manage new order, visualize tables, manage kitchen and.........

Similar: 7%


bWAPP, or a buggy web application, is a free and open source deliberately insecure web application. bWAPP helps security enthusiasts, developers and students to discover and to prevent web vulnerabilities. bWAPP prepares one to conduct successful penetration testing and ethical hacking projects. Wh.........

Similar: 7%

Lioness (Languages Interop Framework)

Framework for making Windows applications that are one .exe file in AutoHotKey_L,C++,C#, VB.NET,Java,Groovy,Common Lisp,Nemerle,Ruby,Python,PHP,Lua,Tcl,Perl,Jint,S#,WSH VBScript,HTML/JavaScript/CSS,COM, PowerShell without compiling . For .NET 4....

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