By Author: rhaberkorn
SciTECO is an interactive TECO dialect, similar to Video TECO. It also adds features from classic TECO-11, as well as unique new ideas.

Project development takes place at Github:


  • Unique paradigm of text editing: Both an interactive editor and interactive programming language. Powerful command set and on-the-fly automation of complex text processing tasks.
  • All of the basic Video TECO commands supported
  • Improved parser compared to classic TECOs
  • Operator precedence and stack machine
  • Extended Q-Register namespace (arbitrary strings)
  • Function key support
  • Many TECO-11 features, e.g. colon-modified commands and powerful match characters
  • Interactivity: Tab completions, immediate search-replace. In fact almost everything is executed immediately.
  • Command rubout and redo: Removing commands reverses their side effects - even file writes!
  • Munging: Macros may be munged, that is executed in batch mode. Allows you to use SciTECO as a scripting language.
  • Syntax highlighting, styles, line numbers, etc. thanks to Scintilla.
  • A growing standard library of macros with frameworks for color schemes, syntax highlighting and buffer sessions. Easy to hack!
  • Cross-platform code base - relatively easy to port (uses glib)


Note that VDMJ has now moved to GitHub: VDMJ provides basic tool support for the VDM-SL, VDM++ and VDM-RT specification languages, written in Java. It includes a parser, a type checker, an interpreter (with arbitrary precision arithmetic), a debugger, a proof obli.........

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