
By Author: mjaoune
qAllInOne (aka qAIO) is a free open-source software built using Qt to provide users an All-In-One media player, so it can view images, play videos and audio. Instead of having multiple separate software for each media type, qAllInOne aims on providing one software for all media types. qAllInOne is targeted for everyone, but mainly to people whom install their Operating System from scratch (i.e Gentoo) and want a good Media Player for their GUI system (Gnome,Xfce,LXDE or any x11 based environment), or for people whom simply don't like their default media player which is shipped with their Operating System, qAllInOne is cross-platform (So it can work with Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD or MacOSx). Developers from everywhere are free to contribute and help with the development of qAllInOne since its Open-Source.


  • Built using Qt5
  • Cross-Platform (Can work with Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD or MacOSx)
  • Easy to use
  • Fast even on low-end computers
  • Can process Images, Videos and Audio
  • Currently supports: .MP4 .WMV .AVI .MP3 .JPG .BMP .GIF .PNG
  • Supports HD Videos
  • Can create and play audio & video Playlists
  • Can open PDF files
  • One of the fastest to open PDF files
  • Can work with most X11 based environments
  • Playlists (Audio & Video, together!)
  • Many features and continously adding more


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