
By Author: lord_mulder
MUtilities – MuldeR's Utilities for Qt

Copyright (C) 2004-2014 LoRd_MuldeR

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BootFX is no longer hosted on SourceForge. Please visit for more information....

Similar: 23%

Itshomi PHP Framework

Itshomi is a new Framework for PHP5 or later, released under the LGPL License. Please visit for more information....

Similar: 16%

TransferHTTP Controller

Hosted here are control services for the session handoff and content sharing service, which are available in the TransferHTTP Web browser extension. Please visit for information on the Web browser extension....

Similar: 12%


Ejb3Unit - out of container EJB 3.0 testing. Ejb3Unit is a JUnit extention and can execute automated standalone junit tests for all JEE or Ejb3 projects. The out of container approach leads to short build-test-cycles, no container deployment is needed. Announcement: jp-mobile and Ejb3unit will go m.........

Similar: 10%


A lightweight Approach for GUI Developing. The Main Goal of this Project is reducing costs of GUI Developing in Enterprise Applications. Its more than a technical Framwework. Its a also set of Rules to help Developers to handle complexity. Please visit...

Similar: 9%

A1 Style

"A1 Style" PHP Framework is a light weight MVC framework aimed to ease the development of web applications. It is easy to extend and develop. It has a powerful ORM layer. For more information, please visit

Similar: 8%

MindTouch (frmly deki wiki)

This is the home of the old MindTouch Platform and Core. This project was turned over to the community in 2010. Please visit for the most up to date version of MindTouch--software that accelerates customer success. More info on the old Core and Platform: .........

Similar: 7%

ConsoleFx Commandline Processing Library

ConsoleFx is an .NET framework for easily developing command-line interface (CLI) applications. It automates most of the work involved in creating a CLI application, like command line argument parsing, error handling and validations. ConsoleFx supports both fluent and declarative (using attributes) .........

Similar: 5%

Think in Java - JavAjax Web Framework

JavAjax is now at 1.4 beta version, for downloads and documentation please visit

Similar: 4%


A Java framework for the creation of REST services. Krest is built upon Spring MVC and offers an enterprise scale solution for REST services. Please visit to find the demo app, or download the core library....

Similar: 4%