LLX's Static Graph Template Library

By Author: llxcn
LSGTL means LLX’s Static Graph Template Library which is a light-weighted header-only template library developed mainly for static graph analysis. LSGTL is expected to be used in laboratories for research purposes mostly.


  • LSGTL is object-oriented. It has been designed and programmed using generic programming and design patterns. Different parts are coupled by template mechanism. LSGTL is therefore very flexible, extensible and reusable.
  • LSGTL distinguishes dense and sparse graphs. Different template classes have been developed to represent dense and sparse graphs respectively. When needed, one single algorithm also has two versions implemented respectively for dense and sparse graphs. LSGTL do does density-based optimization. In practice, you need to make your choices as to which one to use: dense or sparse. In this sense, LSGTL is expert software.
  • LSGTL is designed to run fast while not caring much about the space, so it is not quite efficient in terms of space complexity, it just trades space for time when necessary.
  • LSGTL is light-weighted, header-only, easy to learn and use. It would come in handy when you need to do some general graph analysis (not some complicated huge system project). And thanks to its simplicity, you can just extract the code you need from the library and embed (copy) it into your own sources. This is useful when you need to create independent, self-contained source files while not introducing the whole library.
  • What’s more, LSGTL is open sourced both code and document. Consult the licenses regarding permissions and restrictions.


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