JUnit Execution & Report Generation Tool

By Author: ashishsriv
This tool pulls all JUnit testcases from the class path and run them all. After completion of test case execution it populates the result in database tables. A report tool fetch the result data from database and produce an HTML report.

Highlights of this tool

- No coding effort is required from developer to integrate existing JUnit test cases. They just need to put their test case folder to the class path

- Since it keep the test result data in a database, it can keep history of any number of past execution result. This build is bundled with open source embedded database HSQLDB. User may also use other database or their choice

- The HTML report can also include previous run results. Number of last run result to include in report is user configurable

- Flexible and de-coupled design


  • Runs JUnit test cases
  • Generate HTML report of test execution
  • Keeps history of all past test run results
  • Can be configured to include past multiple run results in a single report if required for the comparison. Number of past run to include in report is user configurable.

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