Frank Engine

By Author: frankforce
Frank Engine is a game development framework with a built in editor written in C++. The goal is to be a fast way to create large open world 2D games with high quality graphics. Everything necessary to create a fully featured game is included: physics (Box2D), rendering (DirectX), level editor, dynamic lighting, particle system, sound, music (Ogg Vorbis), gamepad input, GUI, and debug console. The code is fairly well documented and includes simple starter projects build on.


  • Large streamable worlds with small memory footprint
  • Integrated level editor, instantly switch from editing to playing!
  • Integrated Box2d Physics
  • Deferred rendering with diffuse, normal and emissive maps
  • Supports a ton of dynamic shadow casters and shadow casting lights
  • 2D sprite, terrain, and particle system
  • Stereo sound effects with Direct Sound
  • Music with Ogg Vorbis
  • Integrated with The DirectX Utility Library (GUI, sound, etc)
  • Sub frame interpolation using fixed time step
  • Keyboard, mouse, and joystick input binding system
  • In game debug console
  • User friendly editor features: cut, copy, paste, undo, and redo

TR Game Engine

This library providing a simple 2D real-time render system, a collision management system and a real-time game management system. It has also a sound management, network and many other things that games need. This library can read and write compatible images for BlueBox: A-Life project. You can use.........

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The 2DX Project

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TXna Game Engine

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