
By Author: plcl
Drumstick is a tool to play music. This is a set of C++ MIDI libraries using Qt5 objects, idioms and style. It contains a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface; ALSA sequencer provides software support for MIDI technology on Linux. A complementary library provides classes for SMF (Standard MIDI files: .MID/.KAR), Cakewalk (.WRK), and Overture (.OVE) file formats processing. A multiplatform realtime MIDI I/O library is also provided.


  • SMF file parse and creation
  • WRK file parse
  • OVE file parse
  • MIDI realtime I/O
  • MIDI sequencing/scheduling
  • MIDI routing
  • Examples and documentation included


Drumstick Metronome is a MIDI based metronome using the ALSA sequencer. Intended for musicians and music students, it is a tool to keep the rhythm while playing musical instruments. It uses MIDI for sound generation instead of digital audio, allowing low CPU usage and very accurate timing thanks t.........

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WhyWaitForever Musicbox

A simple, easy to extend, parameter driven and customisable Java application that creates and plays Midi music files. A music notation file needs to be created. The application parses the music notation file and creates a Midi file. The application can play any Midi file. The application can read.........

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JPDF Export

JPDF Export is a java library built on the famous iText library. It provides simple functions that can be used to build complex pdf files. It also provides simple classes to merge, split and convert pdf files...

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Stand-alone Java library implementing parser/formatter/comparator/validator for JSON/XML-like text formats oriented on JSON-like object model (list,map,scalar + reflection). Library is designed to maximize adaptivity via set of extendable modules....

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All other C# Ghostscript wrappers that you can find on the internet does not allow you to progressively render PDF page directly to the screen without exporting the page to the disk first. This wrapper does not require exporting to the disk, it can render tiles progressively from the Ghostscript int.........

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V2.1.1 compatible with Processing 2 & 3. A powerful yet simple to use scripting language that can be used to evaluate expressions and simple algorithms. In fact it is the only evaluator I know that supports complex numbers and vectors without the need for additional configuration. The emphasis is o.........

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LimeReport - multi-platform C++ | Qt report generator library written using Qt framework and intended for software developers that would like to add into their application capability to form report or print forms generated using templates. Report designer included in the library allows to create fas.........

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Meshwork is a 3D game engine with independent approach and unrestrictive minimalistic design. It's in active development, with many planned new features. You can support Meshwork's development by contributing to its crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo and help releasing an Android and .NET versions .........

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Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion

Hammer of Thyrion (uHexen2) is a cross-platform port of Raven Software's Hexen II source. It is based on an older linux port, Anvil of Thyrion. HoT includes countless bug fixes, improved music, sound and video modes, opengl improvements, support for many operating systems and architectures, and do.........

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Qtractor is an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ around the Qt framework. The target platform will be Linux, where the Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) for audio, and the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for MIDI,...

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