By Author: frozen-solid




C# class structures for reading and manipulating Library of Congress MARC records using the MARC21 standard. Based upon the PHP Pear package File_MARC (http://pear.php.net/package/File_MARC) by Dan Scott.

C# MARC Editor:

A full featured SQLite based editor for quickly modifying MARC records and exporting them to MARC21 or MARCXML.


  • Full featured GUI MARC Editor
  • Split large records into multiple files
  • Import records from Z30.50/SRU
  • Export records to CSV format
  • Easy find and replace with regular expressions
  • Convert raw MARC8, UTF8, or MARCXML records to easily manipulated C# objects, and back to raw
  • Records are broken down into native .Net List objects for easy use.
  • Add/Insert/Delete from each record's list objects to modify the record
  • Support for special characters and writing/reading the MARC8 Encoding format (Loosely tested, please give feedback)
  • Support for UTF-8 records
  • Source zip contains example code to help you get started.

MARC Library ( SobekCM )

This is a C# library which contains classes for working in memory with MARC records ( http://www.loc.gov/marc/ ). This allows records to be read from MarcXML and Marc21 formats. Once in memory any field or subfield can be edited, added, or deleted. Then the record can be queried or saved again in.........

Similar: 21%


[2014-10-31] This project is obsolete, for latest version (6.1.3) see GitHub https://github.com/digital-preservation/droid (source) and http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/information-management/manage-information/preserving-digital-records/droid/ (binary) DROID (Digital Record Object Identification.........

Similar: 15%

JDynamiTe, Dynamic Template in Java

JDynamiTe is a tool which allows you to dynamically create documents in any format from "template" documents. And very few lines of code (or no line at all!) are needed to do that. Some typical usage domains of JDynamiTe are: - dynamic Web pages creation, - text document generation, - source c.........

Similar: 13%

Patch-clamp data reader

Package and libraries (dll in windows) which read files, created by Pulse (ReadPulse.dll) and Patch Master (ReadPMaster.dll) software from HEKA company. Can read a Trace from a whole group, series or or a sweep. Service information about pulse protocols, voltage, amplifier state and so on also is re.........

Similar: 12%


DBPersister started in 2011 with few lines of code to enhance the way to develop crud applications by php users. DBPersister is an Open Source project with LGPL licence , which means that is possible to reach hundreds of people all over the world working on it with the possibility to edit the cod.........

Similar: 12%

Photo Date Organizer

Corrects modification date file's attribute using original EXIF metadata "camera taken date" timestamp tag. Organizes photo files in folder structure (e.g. with dates in folder name) and changes their file's name using configurable template. Modification date file's attribute changes during write o.........

Similar: 12%

NIF File Format Library and Tools

Attention : This project is currently being migrated, some services are no longer supported. NifTools aims to provide users with Tools to View, Edit, Create and Visualise 3D Models stored in the NetImmerse File Format. The NIF format is used by many popular games based on the NetImmerse/Gamebr.........

Similar: 11%

Free VCF file to CSV converter

This is an Excel based VBA script used to import bulk .VCF files that contain more than 1 Vcard and then convert them to a comma separated .CSV file or Excel xls file that can then be imported into Outlook, Google, or any other application that supports import of contacts using CSV files. This has .........

Similar: 10%

Aspose for Spring.Java

Aspose for Spring.Java provides usage samples / sourcecodes for the demonstration of Aspose API for Java by extending famous Spring Java PetClinic Sample Web Application. This extension of "Spring Java PetClinic Sample Web Application" also shows the Integration of Aspose APIs with Spring MVC, JSP .........

Similar: 9%

Happy Java Library

Helps to develop and test event-based multi-threaded Java application. Because of method called as API-Evolution the Happy Java Library is fully downward compatible. The library contains following functionality: MultiLock, Parallel loops, Collections, Controllers, Generators, Delegates, Streams....

Similar: 6%