Awake File

By Author: npomereu
Awake File is a secure Open Source framework which enables Android and Java Desktop developers to very easily implement file uploads and downloads through HTTP.File transfers include
powerful features like file chunking and automatic recovery mechanism.

Security has been taken into account from the design stage: server side configuration allows to specify strong security rules in order to protect the files.

Awake File is licensed through the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL v2.1).

Features include:

- Uploading files to a remote JavaEE server.
- Downloading files from a remote JavaEE server.
- Renaming remote files.
- Listing remote directories.
- Creating/deleting remote directories.
- Calling a remote java method without complicated setup.
- Defining strong security rules for all these operations.
- Displaying nice progress indicators to your users during uploads & downloads.


  • Compatible with Servlets 2.5+ containers.
  • Supports Windows, Unix/Linux and MacOS X on client side and server side.
  • Optimized and designed to manage heavy traffic with data streaming, stateless sessions, etc.
  • Full default configuration included for easy start.
  • Configuration neutral. Configuration is done through getters in Java classes using Dependency injection. This allows you to easily define your configuration strategy and implementation : ini file, XML, etc. Just use or overload any or all of the few configuration methods with your own code.
  • Client/Server communications and exchanges entirely done in http or https on standard ports. (No firewall configuration required).
  • Supports simultaneous sessions from client side.
  • Supports file chunking & automatic recovery.
  • Supports files download/upload and RPC calls from Java Threads.
  • Includes built-in and easy to use helper classes for GUI Progress Bars implementations.
  • Entirely coded in Java.
  • Developed by and for Android, Swing and JavaFX developers

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