
By Author: jburns131
A secure, flexible, web standards compliant PHP 5.4+ Content Management System which allows easy 3rd party code integration. Our Module API and Template system promotes secure coding practices.

Israel ImpressCMS

ImpressCMS is a community developed Content Management System for easily building and maintaining a dynamic web site. Keep your web site up to date with this easy to use, secure and flexible system....

Similar: 38%


CONNECTO is a web portal system written in PHP-MySQL. Regular functions you see in other web portal system, CONNECTO include file managing, to do, calendar, messenger, forum, etc.. all in one single package....

Similar: 28%

Hippo CMS

Hippo CMS is a Java based, Open Source Web Content Management platform. Hippo CMS uses a clean, modular architecture with an emphasis on the separation of the content from the presentation logic. This enables content editors to create content once, and then publish it to regular web sites, mobile s.........

Similar: 18%


Xoosla CMS is an Object orientated content management system written with PHP. This makes it ideal for any type of website, whether it is a personal site, blogging or commercial portal. It's easy to use, secure and built with flexibility in mind....

Similar: 17%

Anomaly Wiki

Anomaly Wiki is a file-based content management system (CMS) written in Php. The main goals are fast browsing, easy customization and few requirements (no database or other dependencies). All you need is a web server running PHP 4.3.0 or later....

Similar: 16%


DotNetAge is an CMS,Social Networking platform and Mvc RAD platform. DotNetAge focus on aesthetics,ease-of-use,SEO and web standards....

Similar: 15%

pH7 Social Dating CMS (pH7CMS)

pH7CMS is a Professional, Free and Open Source PHP Social Dating Software primarily designed for Web Developers and Webmasters. This Social/Dating Script is fully coded in object-oriented PHP (OOP) with the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller). It is low resource intensive, extremely powerful and ve.........

Similar: 11%

SeoToaster eCommerce Shopping Cart & CMS

SeoToaster is the most advanced SEO & marketing CMS and eCommerce shopping cart platform that can be used right out of the box, with no plug-ins required. The SeoToaster content management system features a uniquely intuitive content management system interface, combined with powerful automated mark.........

Similar: 9%

pH7 Social Dating CMS - pH7CMS

pH7CMS is a Professional, Free and Open Source PHP Social Dating Software primarily designed for Web Developers and Webmasters. This Social Dating App/Site Builder is fully coded in object-oriented PHP (OOP) with the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller). It is low resource intensive, extremely power.........

Similar: 9%

Magnolia CMS

Magnolia is an open Java CMS that delivers smartphone simplicity on an enterprise-scale. The mobile-inspired HTML5 user interface works through customisable, task-focused Apps, a notification stream called the Pulse, and a system of Favorites for quickly accessing the workspace. Magnolia CMS allows .........

Similar: 9%