Agile Digital Archive Manager

By Author: pesce
The Adam (Agile Digital Archive Management) Project is a high performance engine to manage documents. Our goal is to obtain an agile, high performance document and record management system engine. The engine contains a stress test suite.

We are working hard to update our system in various directions: a web interface to use the system out of the box, a desktop application to manage adam configuration centralized file, a web services application to access adam from any kind of client.

From server side (core) we are hardly working to add "transactional processing" getting inspiration from RDBMS world.

Please check the project and write, for any question send an email to: gianfranco.pesce AT


  • Desktop java application, named ADAMConf, published in Alpha version. It is a tool to graphically manage the Adam-core globalconf.xml configuration file. See File section to download.

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