Author: stevenaaus Related Open Source Projects

Scid vs. PC

"Shane's Chess Information Database" is a huge chess toolkit with extensive database, analysis and chess-playing features. Scid vs. PC is a usability and bug-fix fork of Scid. It has extensive interface fixes and improvements, and is fully compatible with Scid's .si4 databases. It's new features i.........

Tk Games

Tkgames is a site for games written using the powerful tcl/tk language. These include my original tesselation puzzle Polypuzzle, and recent additions Hearts, Spider, Yahtzee and the tooo addictive, Tktk....

Phalanx Chess

Phalanx is a chess engine which understands the xboard protocol. It's suitable for beginner and intermediate players (I'm counting on your help to make it suitable for strong players!)...

Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion

Hammer of Thyrion (uHexen2) is a cross-platform port of Raven Software's Hexen II source. It is based on an older linux port, Anvil of Thyrion. HoT includes countless bug fixes, improved music, sound and video modes, opengl improvements, support for many operating systems and architectures, and do.........


QuakeSpasm is a *Nix friendly Quake Engine based on the SDL port of the popular FitzQuake. It includes some new features, important fixes, and aims for portability and 64 bit correctness....

File Rename Utilites

File rename utils are robust bash hacks that enable various file renaming actions. These include upper, lowercase, and capitalized conversions, space removal,and a KDE-compatible trash can. Man page documentation is provided...