Author: shishtpal Related Open Source Projects


So you want to change opacity value for any windows application, you need this application, when you are running multiple applications any, when you want to see through top most application window....


Fastest Video player Build Using FFPLAY and FFMPEG Multi-Media Library with Python and Very easy to Control from KeyBoard and runs very fast as ffplay runs....


LiveCoder helps you to play with Coffee-Script ( Language that compiles to JavaScript) , Jade ( Popular Node.js Template Engine), and Stylus CSS pre-processor. This is not a IDE or any Development Environment, This just helps you to effectively learn these languages....

video Blocker

Users will not be able to play video file and If they do than this application will reports to you, which restricted file had been accessed by your user and when. #Default password : hello # If you want to change this password, install Video Blocker and delete .pass file resides in that directory w.........

Visual Image Viewer

What you will do when you need to manage all your Image files according to what they shows/represent, I am not talking about you, what I also done in past, just select Image files one by one create folder for that kind of Image files and paste into that folder. Now Using this application you just h.........


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