Author: piotrzuk Related Open Source Projects

PuTTY Manager

Tabbed PuTTY Interface! Features: A tabbed interface and dockable windows, Fullscreen mode, Working with existing PuTTY binary, or allow you to download it directly from the official page, Let’s you export/import PuTTY connections to single file, Download it for free for any use! ****************.........

Alternative Windows Console

Download it for free for any use!...


ZVid is an open-source research project focusing on differential video compression. ZVid is dedicated to capture frames from camcorders. All code is released under the terms of the GNU GPL license. Dependencies: -


GUI interface for powerful command line ffmpeggui audio/vide converter. FFmpeg source and binary can be found at

SQL Data Studio

SQL explorer. Supported SQL egnines: - SQLite - Sybase ASE - Microsoft SQL Server - MySQL - Cubrid Linux/Mac versions comming soon...