Author: nhnb Related Open Source Projects

Arianne RPG

Arianne is a multiplayer online engine to develop turn based and real time games, providing a simple way of creating the game server rules and clients like our MORPG Stendhal. Our engine Marauroa uses Java and SQL for hosting hundreds of players on a solo host. Stendhal is a fun friendly and free m.........


IrcAppender is an appender for the Apache log4j system which forwards important logging event to an IRC channel. Output is controlled by the log4j configuration....


A collection of my wiki tools and extensions...


ecl1 is a set of tools, implemented as Eclipse plugin, that supports the creation of HISinOne extensions. It adds support for creating a new HISinOne Extension and special checkers for the enrollment of lectures....


log4j-gwt enables GWT clients to make use of the log4j Logger, and benefit from log4j's flexibility and convenient methods. Using log4j-gwt, logged messages are routed to GWT's internal logging API....


Plugfy checks whether all dependencies of an extension are met. It pays special attention to method signatures and can detect incompatible byte code changes even if they are compatible at the source code level....


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Eclipse Macker

The Eclipse Macker Plugins displays warnings and errors about architectural violations discovered by Macker right in Eclipse. Use update site at for easy installation of eclipse-macker...