Author: klam Related Open Source Projects

Handy TCP/IP Server/Client Tools

IPtools is an all in one package that includes various TCP/IP tools. Server: - FTP - TFTP - Syslog - Web - Remote Command - General UDP server - Multicast server Client utilities: - Multicast client - TFTP client Starting on version 0.2.0, a powerful network connection tools UBridge is added, i.........

Universal Communication Bridge

Ubridge is a powerful network connection tools, that can be used to bridge different kinds of connections (sessions) such as: - UDP sessions - TCP sessions - COM port sessions - NIC card of the PC - Connections to Cisco Router Simulator "GNS3/dynamips" and H3C Router Simulator (LITO/CEN). Currently .........

Video Batch Processor

search for video files matching specific criteria on your storage devices (name, extension, size) and batch-process them with the video converter of your choice....

Analysis TeX

Hier wird die Versionsverwaltung (SVN) für die LaTeX-Mitschrift der Vorlesung "Analysis für Informatiker und Statistiker" gehostet. Diese findet im WS 2009/2010 an der LMU München statt....

Hacking Tools by Java

To gather all small hacking tools (e.g. port scanner, TCP sync flooding tools) and then re-written them by using JAVA. As most of the tools available now are written in C and run on UNIX, which makes it become much more difficult for Windows user to use...

Tornado HTTP Server

Tornado HTTP Server is a multi-threaded web server written in Java. It aims to be secure, efficient, and portable, and provide a full implementation of HTTP 1.1. Advanced features such as GZip output compression and web-based administration are planned....

Document Management System for Law Firms

Docs4Lawyers is an open source document management solution created specifically for law firms, based on ECM software from Alfresco. Downloadable in vmware format with documentation and community portal....


ELOcalc is a small GUI/command-line calculator designed to calculate ELO scores (for, e.g., chess)....

Side Effects documentation web app

Almost everyone has taken medication of some sort. And some of us have experienced side effects. This projects mission: To allow anyone anywhere to share and compare information on side effects from medication for free....


Filekit is a set of file processing GUI tools that can be put into an USB flash, so that no installation is required. Aim of the project is to include many file processing tools such as file searching tool, batch rename file, find duplicate files, split and join files and so on ... Release 0.1.0 con.........


Graphical facebook application to keep track of travel itineraries....

TinyMCE Video Embedder

A little TinyMCE plugin that allows you to embed videos from Vimeo , YouTube or DailyMotion...