Author: dosse91 Related Open Source Projects


LibBWEntrainment is a Free and Open Source Brainwave Entrainment Library for Java. *** It is not a standalone application. *** The library is very flexible, allowing different types of renderers (isochronic, binaural, ...) as well as multiple output devices (speakers, file, socket or even screen),.........

Tetris Puzzle Solver

Fills a rectangle using given tetris shapes (tetraminos) using an optimized brute force algorithm. A puzzle can have many different solutions; this solver will stop at the first one. Not all puzzles are solveable. Created to solve the annoying tetris puzzles in The Talos Principle and Sigils of El.........

SINE Isochronic Entrainer

SINE Isochronic Entrainer is a Free and Open Source Brainwave Entrainment application for PC, Android, and HTML5. Brainwave Entrainment is the practice of using sounds, visual stimuli or even electromagnetic fields to alter the frequency of brainwaves. It can be done for several reasons: people wit.........

Mission X

Mission X is a free open source multiplatform space shooter written in java featuring kick-ass graphics and OST. Languages: English, Italian. Last update: July 23, 2010. Trailer and more screenshots:

Gravity Simulator

Create a sun, spin some asteroids around it, and watch them collide and form planets. An N-Point Gravity Simulator is a realistic simulation in which all points attract each other: even the smallest asteroid has its own gravitational field that can affect even a large sun far away from it. Can be .........


libBinaural is a lightweight library for using binaural beats in java. It's entirely written in java for maximum portability, very easy to use and customize, free and open source. The library is compiled in Java7 bytecode so it requres Java Runtime Environment 7 or higher to run properly. A project.........

WineD3D For Windows

The WineD3DOnWindows project appears to be dead, so I decided to build WineD3D on MS Windows myself and release the binaries. I hereby swear to keep this project updated until the day of my death. Or until it will no longer be possible to cross-compile it. ==What is it good for?== WineD3D for Wind.........

HBX Binaural Player

HBX Binaural Player is free and open source brainwave entrainment application. It's made using libBinaural ( ); it's easy to use and it's entirely written in java for maximum portability. It includes English and Italian localizations and an example prese.........