Author: benrayfield Related Open Source Projects

Evolve Data Struct

Don't hard-code data-structures for Artificial Intelligence (AI). Evolve them (and control flow) as cycles of arrays in arrays with size constraints based on other array sizes (at specific index) in terms of range, multiply, exponent, or permutation. No working code yet. Whats there now is an extens.........


A paint program where the canvas is the visual cortex of a simple kind of artificial intelligence. You paint with the mouse into its dreams and it responds by changing what you painted gradually. There will also be an API for using it with other programs as a general high-dimensional space. Each pix.........

Visual Integer Factor

VisualIntFactor will be an interactive educational and scientific tool demonstrating multiply, factor, conversion between unary counting and binary integers, all in the same grid of hexagons. This grid is based on pascals triangle, which is a 1d cellular automata that calculates (X choose Y) factori.........


Dynamic tree of Java objects encapsulates hard-drive and Jar/Zip files (and their inner files) and Java objects all the same way. Create new ways of communication as executable Jar files, like a paint program that creates/uses paint programs as tools...

Applet Audio Synthesizer

Global Consciousness Project uses hardware "random" number generators and finds patterns between that and major world events. This Java applet will run on their webpage and translate that data to music-like audio. Or for general audio synthesizing....

Immutable Sparse Wave Trees (WaveTree)

Realtime bigdata tool at the bit level based on immutable AVL forest which can be run in memory or, in future versions, as a merkle forest like a blockchain. Main object is a sparse bit string (Bits) that efficiently scales up to 2^63 bits normally compressed as forest has duplicated substrings. Bit.........

Black Hole Cortex

Near the surface (even horizon) of a black hole, there is maximum information density in units of squared plancks (and some translation to qubits). Similarly, our imagination is the set of all possible things we can draw onto our most dense layer of visual cortex in electricity patterns. Bigger laye.........


The econ theory is the value of buy and sell are usually equal, at whatever free market price at the time, so if we trade between 2 things, holding the total of those 2 equal eachother, then you can buy without anyone selling, or sell without anyone buying. Just change from one equal valued type to .........

Recursive Asteroids 3D

Asteroids game with 3D fire, explosions, asteroids, and ships, made with OPENGL and C++. Creates recursive spinning asteroids as fire and debris. 2D or 3D view. All objects made of 3D polygons, specular lighting, dynamic light positions....


Self-modifying Jar file Programming-Lang for Artificial-Intelligence & Audio & Natural-Lang monkeys with code like a simian. Windows mutate self Code: if(ask("MP3?")sound(mp3("C:\\music\\a.mp3"*(3.4 count)))) plays a.mp3 3.4x speed if click yes...

Free Speech Just Pay Shipping

A 3d chatroom where the things people write gravitate toward eachother based on total strength of associations between those short texts. Strength is a competition of who spends the most computing time trying to associate the texts, similar to Bitcoin's "proof of work" system. While there is unlimit.........


When generating audio, why use sine waves and standard effects? Directly tell the sound-card how much electricity should be in the speaker/microphone wires many times per second as numbers from -1 to 1. Automatically finds good sound-card options and balances between linear interpolation speeds of c.........

Natural Language Mouse Interface

The first 3d search engine for text. Javascript only. Work in all browsers. Ajax downloads new words (and links between them) as you move mouse to control AI to learn what you're looking for (in context) and put it on screen. Includes Wikipedia data...

Human AI Net

We are going to teach eachother how to build AI and new kinds of game objects in this network using intuitive dragAndDrop. Its going to be a space for experimenting with fun and useful tools in new ways. Version 0.8.0 has some advanced components that will be working soon. The plan is a massively mu.........


Its strange how the "sorted pointers" normalizing makes just about any random function, as long as it connects the inputs to the outputs on some path, vibrate as some nonlinear shape of wave. This could be used as a game interface for evolvable musical instruments or fluid puzzle games. Physicsmata .........